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Dumbbell Bench Press
The greatest chest exercise of all time due to its full range of motion. Plus, you don't really get shoulder pain from this as frequently as the barbell bench press. It feels like I'm pushing all the demons away from my life. All my stress and worries are pushed into the future. This is called procrastinating. Anyways, as I near failure, my eyeballs start bulging and my mouth starts foaming uncontrollably. I lay there, in my own realm of peace. What a fantastic exercise. Delectable, I must say.
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Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Out of all the exercises, this is probably the one that I perform most intensely. I will admit that this genuinely burns and absolutely saps all the energy out of me, but the tingling and agonizing sensation is truly immaculate. Your chest feels like it has grown ten sizes, and everything you do with a chest pump just feels more exquisite. You feel like a behemoth of a man and a goliath of a creature.
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Barbell Bench Press
The most classic exercise and a cornerstone to all of weightlifting. This was actually the very first exercise I've ever done in a gym, and the amount of instability and trembling in my arms was unreal. It felt like a magnitude 17 earthquake formed within my body, causing a tremor to proliferate to every single bone and cell in my biological system. Since then, I have polished my form into something wonderful, but I really only do Dumbbell Bench Press now since open bench racks are getting more and more rare.
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Incline Barbell Bench Press
I don't do this exercise very often since I use dumbbells instead. Pretty much all benching exercises that use barbells can be replaced with dumbbells and I do just that. I don't really believe that one is better than the other as long as you train just as intensely. However, I will note that using dumbbells will give you more range of motion and balance. Anywho, I will go back to my permanent coma now.
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Machine Fly
I can promise you that at least 50% of all sets that I've done of this exercise has been dropsets. This machine has made me see stars and a bit crazy at times, which isn't bad at all since this indicates that the gains will in fact gain. Often times, I like to think that I am practicing for the hug that I will never receive. Either way, I need to be placed inside a mental institution because I am losing my sanity and all sense of lucidity. The voices, Kevin.
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Machine Chest Press
I've encountered a few terrible chest press machines. One had these handles that could spin very easily, which added so much instability to the machine. I've also encountered a few amazing, almost orgasmic machine chest presses that move in the perfect path. So, this exercise can be absolutely fantastic or simply trash depending on the machine available. But the end goal is always the same; try your best to obliterate each and every muscle fiber in your pectoral muscles.
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Machine Decline Chest Press
I've only used this machine once and it was absolutely gorgeous. There was absolutely zero shoulder pain or discomfort, and I felt like I could use my chest to the max. As in, every single muscle fiber could coordinate their duties into a single thread of pure concentration and strength. Wish I could see and use this machine more often; if I did, this exercise would probably be higher on the list.
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Machine Incline Chest Press
I have mixed feelings regarding this exercise. On one hand, it can be sensational. On the other, it can ruin the entire workout by absolutely annihilating my shoulder, typically the left one. This primarily revolves around the machine itself, but there are times where your body just needs the optimal conditions to perform. But for the most part, I train the upper chest with dumbbells, so this is not much of a worry.
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Decline Barbell Bench Press
I did this exercise a couple of times in memory of the Decline Chest Press machine. Definitely not as good as the machine version, but it did remind me of how great the machine version is. This exercise was okay overall; I didn't think much of it because I kept on thinking about how much better the machine version is. This exercise only feels a little worse than the machine version, but that's more than enough to sway the masses.
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Chest Dip
I will not lie, dips are pretty fun to do. However, if not warmed up properly or for whatever reasons, my shoulders and clavicles will hurt as if the bone has developed natural thorns and ripped apart the surrounding internal flesh. Also, my hand and wrists will hurt more often than my clavicles just because I'm putting my bodyweight on those joints. Then, my palm will start to itch where it was placed on the handles, and it's all just a little annoying and bothersome for me just to do this exercise. However, after all of this, I still do Dips regularly, and I'll do more of them on the days that these dumb excuses are not as prevalent.
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Low Cable Crossover
This is probably the only chest exercise that involves cables that I actually enjoy. To be frank, I want to do this exercise more, but I'm a little lazy. I literally have access to do this exercise, but I guess my routine is so set in place that I don't want to change it anytime soon. For the most part, change can be good, but I already have something that I enjoy and works for me. The same applies to JavaScript frameworks. This entire industry changes so quickly, and it feels like there are 57 new frameworks or libraries every day. By the time I learn React and Next.js, there's probably going to be something new that'll replace both. Maybe Bun will replace Node, but I don't care at this point; I'm already so fixated on my planned path. I've seen way too many technologies and stacks that make me believe it's all so unnecessary.
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Cable Crossover
I don't do a whole lot of chest exercises that involve cables. The first reason is that I'm using two cables, which is pretty much like taking up two parking spots for one car. I try to think of others you know. I kind of feel bad since I pretty much deny someone from using the cable even though this exercise can easily be replaced by the chest fly machine. Another reason why I don't particularly like this exercise is that it is a little bit hard to set up, especially if the cables are far apart.
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High Cable Crossover
I've done this exercise a couple of times. During my first time, I felt like my arms could tear off my shoulders at any moment. It also feels quite unstable, and you have to position your body so that you don't fly off and get ripped in half by the cables. Or you could let go of the cables. But don't get me wrong, this is a banger of an exercise if you know how to do it properly. I unfortunately do not know how to perform this exercise very well, and I don't have much desire to do so.
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Smith Machine Bench Press
I have only done this exercise on a flat bench, but it can also be done on an incline or decline bench to target the different heads of the chest. However, I never really liked the fixed path of a Smith Machine; free weights and barbells are always going to be superior to me. Now let's talk about coding. Why do I continue to code? For fun. That's it. I hate LeetCode and DSA and you can even say that I don't like Computer Science in general. I came into college not knowing what I wanted to do at all. But I have discovered Web Development and I enjoy it, especially the artsy aspect of it.
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Hex Press
Never done this exercise, but it seems a little pointless. It just drastically limits the range of motion while activating the same muscles as a typical bench press. Some might say that this targets more of the inner chest, but I don't really think that matters. As long as you train chest well, your entire pectoral muscles should develop. I don't know man. I feel like you got to be a little delusional to praise this exercise. Maybe I'm the delusional one. That is highly likely considering that I currently roam around psychiatric wards. The college experience has taken every last bit of my sanity and consumed my fractured psyche.
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Dumbbell Fly
The only reason why you should do this exercise is if the Machine Fly is not available. Even then, I would still wouldn't do this exercise; it just feels wrong. Maybe I'm just built wrong. But at the same time, I don't ever see anyone doing this exercise, especially when most gyms have Chest Fly machines. If you do this exercise, you should be banished to the Shadow Realm. This exercise just gives off a malevolent aura that taunts my fragile mind.
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